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Titel: Daniel - Part 3/4 - Daniel 3-5: Revelation and Reason
Autor: John LennoxWeitere Informationen abrufen
Ort: ELF Plenary Session, Poland
Bibelstelle: Daniel 3, 1 - Daniel 5, 30
Sprache: englisch (englische, englischer, englisches, englischen)
Kategorie: Bibelstudium, Bibelarbeit
Datum/Uhrzeit: 22.05.2012
Dauer: 55:52
Seiten: 11
ID: 27185
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Schlüsselworte: Chapter 1 Babylonian Court. Daniel refuses to eat the king's food. He and his friends are vindicated. TWO IMAGES Ch. 2 Nebuchadnezzar's dream-image. Ch. 3 Nebuchadnezzar's golden image. TWO KINGS DISCIPLINED Ch. 4 The glory of Babylon. The discipline and restoration of Nebuchadnezzar. Ch. 5 The 'writing on the wall', and the destruction of Belshazzar. The end of Babylon. PART B Ch. 6 Medo-Persian Court. Daniel refuses to obey the king's command and refrain from praying to God. He is vindicated. TWO VISIONS OF BEASTS Ch. 7 Four beasts. Ch. 8 Two beasts. TWO WRITINGS EXPLAINED Ch. 9 The desolations of Jerusalem. The prophecy of Jeremiah regarding discipline and restoration of Jerusalem . Chs. 10-12 The 'Writing of Truth', and the eventual destruction of 'the king' (11:36-45). The end. © The Literary Structure Of The Book Of Daniel and Its Implications. David W. Gooding. The Tyndale Old Testament Lecture, 1980. AM Plenary/ALL DAYS/John Lennox/ The Book of Daniel 2 VALUES 1.God's vessels in idol's temple – relativising the absolute 2.Image of gold, silver, bronze, iron 3.Neb's golden image – the worship of the state – absolutising the relative 4. Babylon built for Neb's glory 5. God's vessels used by Belshazzar Mene – mene – tekel - uparsin LAW, TRUTH AND TIME 6. Law of God and law of MP that does not change. 30 days prayer to Darius 7. 4th beast thinks of changing times and law: the judgement books. 3+1/2 times saints oppressed 8. Daily sacrifice stopped. Truth thrown to ground. Vision is true. 2,300 evenings and mornings 9. Disobedience to Law of God…not attending to truth. 70 and 70 times 7 10. Book of truth…Names in Book. Daily sacrifice abolished. 3+1/2 times, 1,290 + 1,335 days AM Plenary/ALL DAYS/John Lennox/ The Book of Daniel 3 DANIEL 1. KING'S COLLEGE BABYLON: SETTING A COMPASS FOR LIFE Does history have a meaning? The significance of the historical setting: 'The Lord gave Jehoiakim into his hand' Are there ultimate values? The significance of the temple vessels and what Nebuchadnezzar did with them. Does the individual have significance? Nebuchadnezzar's educational policy. The significance of names: a question of identity. Daniel = God is my judge (Belteshazzar = May Bel protect his life? Treasurer of Bel?) Hananiah = The Lord shows grace (Shadrach = Command of Aku) Mishael = Who is what God is? (Meschach = Who is what Aku is?) Azariah = The Lord helps (Abednego = Servant of Nabu) The foundation philosophy of Babylon city: Genesis 10-11 Protesting at the University food and wine. Ancient creation myths: Babylonian Enuma Enish, Atrahasis The accounts are polytheistic There is a power struggle for supremacy among the gods Humans (often) made to lessen work of gods Creation proceeds through sexual union of the gods Theogony precedes cosmogony: in the beginning is primeval matter, all else including the gods arise from it (Primeval sea Nammu – Sumerian, Nun – Egyptian) = primeval soup! Deification of the forces of nature Contemporary creation myths: materialistic – any intelligence behind the universe is part of nature and not supernature...

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