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Herr, stärke mich, dein Leiden zu bedenkenClick here to get further informations

Christian Fürchtegott GellertClick here to get further informationsClick here to get more from this author


germanClick here to get more from this language

Christian SongsClick here to get more from this category




Jesus lebt, mit ihm auch ich!Click here to get further informations

Christian Fürchtegott GellertClick here to get further informationsClick here to get more from this author


germanClick here to get more from this language

Christian SongsClick here to get more from this category




Wie groß ist des Allmächtigen Güte - Melodie: Halle 1704Click here to get further informations

Christian Fürchtegott GellertClick here to get further informationsClick here to get more from this author


germanClick here to get more from this language

Christian SongsClick here to get more from this category




Wie groß ist des Allmächtigen Güte - Melodie: Justin Heinrich KnechtClick here to get further informations

Christian Fürchtegott GellertClick here to get further informationsClick here to get more from this author


germanClick here to get more from this language

Christian SongsClick here to get more from this category




Wenn ich, o Schöpfer, deine MachtClick here to get further informations

Christian Fürchtegott GellertClick here to get further informationsClick here to get more from this author

1. Chronik 16, 8-36 und Psalm 33, 1-22 (Psalmen) und Psalm 67, 1-8 (Psalmen) und Psalm 96, 1-13 (Psalmen) und Psalm 2, 11 (Psalmen) und Psalm 100, 1-5 (Psalmen) und 1. Mose 1, 1-31 (Erstes Buch Mose, Genesis) und Matthäus 28, 18 (Matthäus-Evangelium, Mt.) und Kolosser 1, 15-17 (Kolosserbrief)

germanClick here to get more from this language

Christian SongsClick here to get more from this category




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