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What do you think about Christ?Click here to get further informations

Abd al-MasihClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

BookClick here to get more from this category




Kurdi-Sorani Bible - New Testament - (German Title: Kurdisch-Sorani Neues Testament)Click here to get further informations

BibleClick here to get more from this author

Matthew 1, 1 - Revelation 22, 21

kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

BibleClick here to get more from this category




Prayer for Every Days - (German Title: Tägliche Andacht)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

PrayerClick here to get more from this category




Life for Life - Version 1 - (German Title: Leben für Leben)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

MessageClick here to get more from this category




God caming - (German Title: Gott kommt, wenn alles dunkel wird)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

MessageClick here to get more from this category




Was Jesus on the cross? - (German Title: Starb Jesus am Kreuz?)Click here to get further informations

Abd al-MasihClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

BookClick here to get more from this category




David ask Joseph - (German Title: Yusuf fragt David)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

MessageClick here to get more from this category




Free Prisoners - (German Title: Befreite Gefangene)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

BookClick here to get more from this category




The Truths - (German Title: Die Wahrheiten)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

BookClick here to get more from this category




The Truths - Part 01/13 - (German Title: Die Wahrheiten - Teil 01/13)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

Audio bookClick here to get more from this category




The Truths - Part 02/13 - (German Title: Die Wahrheiten - Teil 02/13)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

Audio bookClick here to get more from this category




The Truths - Part 03/13 - (German Title: Die Wahrheiten - Teil 03/13)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

Audio bookClick here to get more from this category




The Truths - Part 04/13 - (German Title: Die Wahrheiten - Teil 04/13)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

Audio bookClick here to get more from this category




The Truths - Part 05/13 - (German Title: Die Wahrheiten - Teil 05/13)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

Audio bookClick here to get more from this category




The Truths - Part 06/13 - (German Title: Die Wahrheiten - Teil 06/13)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

Audio bookClick here to get more from this category




The Truths - Part 07/13 - (German Title: Die Wahrheiten - Teil 07/13)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

Audio bookClick here to get more from this category




The Truths - Part 08/13 - (German Title: Die Wahrheiten - Teil 08/13)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

Audio bookClick here to get more from this category




Christians Believe Fundamentally - Part 1/4 - (German Title: Das Jüngerschaftsprinzip - Teil 1/4)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

BookClick here to get more from this category




Christians Believe Fundamentally - Part 2/4 - (German Title: Das Jüngerschaftsprinzip - Teil 2/4)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

BookClick here to get more from this category




Christians Believe Fundamentally - Part 3/4 - (German Title: Das Jüngerschaftsprinzip - Teil 3/4)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

BookClick here to get more from this category




Christians Believe Fundamentally - Part 4/4 - (German Title: Das Jüngerschaftsprinzip - Teil 4/4)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

BookClick here to get more from this category




Beloved Jesus, You are my LifeClick here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

Christian MusicClick here to get more from this category




Life for Life - Version 2 - (German Title: Leben für Leben)Click here to get further informations

VariousClick here to get more from this author


kurdi soraniClick here to get more from this language

MessageClick here to get more from this category




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