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Title: Bixwîne Û Xwedê Nas Bike! Xudan ji me re çi dibêje?
Author: Various
Passage: Îşaya 45, 18 and 1. Qiralan 8, 60 and Îşaya 42, 8 and Îşaya 43, 10-11 and Îşaya 45, 22 and Zebûr 103, 8-17 and Miia 7, 18 and Yêremya 3, 32 and Zebûr 18, 25 and Yêremya 31, 3 and Yêremya 29, 11
Language: kurdi kurmanji (Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Armenia)
Category: Message
Pages: 22
ID: 25347
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