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Title: The day Nazi Germany died: An eyewitness account of the Russian and Allied invasion of Germany: an autobiography
Author: Beate Wilder-Smith
Language: english
Category: Biography
Date/Time: 1982
Pages: 129
ID: 26766
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Keywords: A German family tells about World War II... from the inside! About the Author, Preface, Parti. Pre-World War II, Conditions in Germany, Hard years of the great depression, How father helped combat the misery, How and why the Germans fell for Hitler politically, spiritually, economically, Nazi Policy, Darwinian evolution and racial policy, eradication of the handicapped, the Jews, and other races,. bes- tialization of the German people, Kraschnitz, Practical liquidation of the mentally handicapped, with its implications, Part II. World War II, Gollnow, Happy childhood interrupted by the outbreak of World War II, Father's ministry under Nazi rule, Spies and informers in the home and school,. Jewish friends and refugees in our home, Russian soldiers and the Lutheran clergyman, Suspicious letter and the Secret Police, War Service on the Eastern Front, Trench digging by children and old people before the Russians, Housing conditions, Mail censorship Acute epidemic breaks out, Father seriously ill, Reunion at home, Refugee treks and trains,. Refugee care by our family and others, Musical and cultural evenings-in spite of war, Flight Before the Russians, Midnight evacuation of our town, Drunken SS soldier attacks father, Evacuation train miraculously diverted to follow the route needed, Stolen suitcase. Remarkable dream and its consequences, New home constructed out of wall maps, Curing the local tensions, Village women try to avert all-out bat-tle. The British are coming!, Fighting-first contacts with the British, Father helps select new mayor, Partlll. Post World, Grandmother and the, Russian Occupation, New type of poster: "Who am I?', Grandmother's Silesian country home, Frustrated pharmacist., The Russians are coming!... 40 women and children encounter hoards of plundering Russians, Night of terror and Slavic orgies, Poles take over from the Russians, Last night on earth of a young Polish Officer, Driven out of house and home by the Poles, Getting a Job, New tasks, Spiritual turning points, Frankfurt, Rebuilding the church physically and spiritually, Housing crisis in the bombed city, New building from old bricks... A flourishing church in economic straits, Fellowship with American Christians, Engagements to be married, Reliving Youthful Memories, 1980 journey to Poland and East Germany, Cultural shock in childhood hometown, Hospitality in a Polish motel, Whit Sunday with our East German friends... A remarkable bill, Polish garages, currency regulations, and the black market, Persecution of Christians in East Block countries, Outlook, Could it happen again? The TV program, How to avoid a recurrence
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