Contents Mapped-out Bellini After reading Shelley For Rosemarie P+rosed Time-touching Body count Andromache The wood a) When passion His father b) Andromache Authentic c) Pathos Coming home d) Love Left e) Pylades Pit bull f) Wlien Bad Tölz I Hiding Bad Tolz II A lost image The lsar German and Jew Dreamt The free-light See-Saw Babig Jar Of lost souls The church As yellow's The law Misplaced Not even Celebrating The voice after Off-set appeal The pin Off balancing Cloth To be true These autumn The origin Do leaves Frog-eye Grass Drained our The soft Minor moment Soft-spoken Recalling Quartet op. 80 Unrelated Two grand The darker level On those adagios Focused Duet His The Max Planck The gencle Mute In tensing "Unanswered question" Balloon 26 The end 54 Dark rain 27 lllmensee 54 For Rosemarie 27 Mendelssohn's Self-evoking A mild Each day Compassioned Overheard Time W.W. The lithe Did Colwnbus Too bright Poems from Herborn A sense of silence a) Some need One b)The 31 Rosemarie's c)Stand-still The impeccable d) Clouds When e) Narrow street 17 Halfway j)Arric For Lenore g) Fingering needs She had her h) Abbreviating Known i) Herboni Sound-shadows Finding out After-thoughts Snap shots Charles The doubting Thomas The doubting Thomas Rain-choked Elegiac Adagio Poems from Sosa Self-revelations a) Autumn's That medieval-becoming b) Sosa's 64 Narrowly pathed c) Olive tree's Threaded d) Evening bell Ivy's J Flower Old town Sunday moming g) Pink That small Autumn Greb Statistic Tbat silhouetting "It wasn't him" Fight Celan's Where Questioning Oflost identity Aunt Gertie 72 First wintered day Heron's Lone boat Of no where out Pain-spot Walls A little R.D. That down-earth 3 half-sensed persons a) Paul's b) Slie c) He Dark autumn The dark Cobble Chagall Cold rain This grey Leafless Asphalt Last aununn A la Hopper Reception Twice rold The dead Greek Islands These trees Pains poems Crete '09 a) Wheel-chaired b) Larry Eigner c) lntensitiy-glow d) Serenity-feels e) A11 isolated isla11d f) As Abraliam g) Callings i} When j) lmage-making k) Closing l) "Call me" m) If n} Darkness o) Liglir p) Writing q) Ambiguities are r) Dr.A. s) Shorr-li11e t} Self-reclaiming u) Fresh tl11rsr v) Dark days w) Name-dropping x) After y) For Rosemarie z) Schmiedeberg aa) Mapping out bb) Ca11 rime cc) A single dd) Michelangelesque ee) This bay jJ) Graecian hills gg) Over-thoughts Jrh) Late autumn ii} Hen-pecked jj} Pets kk) Sense-renewed ll) Buried-to-life mm) Awakened nn) A. oo) Understandin pp) Costumed (Alena age 8) qq) Shadowings rr) Aron ss) Self in-becoming tt) Wind-involved uu) Palm shadows vv) These ww) Blood-ties xx) Sound-awakenings yy) Two faced zz) She aaa) Railing's bbb) Pained ac) Close-cascading ddd) Responsed eee) Roomed out Screttly concealing The pianist Sonata op 27.1 That oriental girl Mowed-down High-phrasings The wrong road So far aboveness The 111 commandment Interchangeable Processional A graveyard Beggar Impersoning smiles Dull-downed Full-stopped Beethoven's 2nd The flayed ox Creation-near Prayed Berwald Bach Partita 6 Linear rhoughts Scarsdale's Of shadow Age Berwald A strange Telling the Sermoned A. M. 2 Rooms Self-findings Off-mapped Room Israel in Egypt a) That God b) Frogs c) A darkness Eye-attuning That more Hollywood-type Before November Clouding-up Hospitalled The inside 2nd rate Flash-image Sleep Arisen Surgeon A no-talk-back Reclothed He brought them forth Fascism That lone wait for Chung Low tides for Ingo and Hanni Forgiveness Inner monologues Cloud-moving Guilty Talk-time Thunder Proud beaurv Abbreviatiorls For Rosemarie After Manet Same routes? The fall Lost bold Surgeon Too poor Proverbs Birch Napolean's Unanswered question's Poland Clean slate The lake The left behind Tears On crutches Time Imaged a) Some statue b) Kafka's c) How often The pioneers Advent The guilt Both fronts Time-sourced Off and running A lamp The Always-Jew The fear There came a new king Self-creating...